The 17 Essential Ingredients to Beautiful Skin

  • L-Proline: Important in maintaining radiant and youthful skin
  • L-Histidine: Protects the body from radiation and sun damage. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals helping to prevent skin cell damage.
  • L-Arginine: Speeds the healing of skin cell damage and wounds.
  • L-Lysine: Skin conditioning agent. Involved in cellular and tissue repair. Especially amino acids needed for collagen production.
  • L-Glycine: Repairs damaged tissue and promote healing
  • L-Isoleucine: Branched chain amino acid. Important in protein synthesis and tissue
  • L-tyrosine is a building block of protein used to help moisturize products and protect the skin, converted by skin cells into melanin that protects against the effect of UV light.
  • L-Leucine: Branched chain amino acid. Protects against muscle protein breakdown.
  • L-Leucine: Branched chain amino acid. Protects against muscle protein breakdown.
  • L-Valine: Branched-chain amino acid. Important in muscular and tissue strength.
  • L-Methionine: Neutralizes free radicals and fights aging of the skin.
  • L-Alanine: Important in protein synthesis.
  • L-Acetyl Tyrosine: A highly bio-available form of L-Tyrosine, a building block of protein.
  • L-Aspartic Acid: Involved in building skin cell DNA
  • L-Serine: Important in the formation of cell membranes.
  • L-Phenylalanine: Building blocks for various proteins